March's trip will be on the 12th March, meeting at Llanarth school car park at 5:45pm.
We will be visiting the NATIONAL CORACLE CENTRE in CENARTH. We will be having a guided tour which will show the history of the coracle and it's association to the river Teifi, the international collection of coracles, some from Vietnam and Tibet and also the coracle workshop. The tour will also include a visit to the 17th century flour mill, which is also part of the centre.
After the guided tour we will move onto the FFROSTRASOL ARMS to have a cawl supper. This month's competition is to make a sentence either in English or Welsh based on the Welsh word CORACL.
A warm welcome is extented to all new members. If you'd like to learn more about Llanarth WI please send us an email using the link in the right hand panel.
February 12th 2013
The meeting started with a welcome from Isabel our President to Dorothy Cox Regional Coordinator, who came to advise us on the forthcoming Group Meeting, which this year is being held in Llanarth.
A congratulations card is to be sent to Ann Jones who has been elected to the position of Chair of the Federations of Wales.
Four members were absent from the meeting - Audrey, Joy, Margaret V and Wynne - we wish them all a speedy recovery. We were all pleased to see Margaret W join us after having recovered from her recent operation.
An invitation was received from Cross Inn WI to join then on Monday 11th March for a 'Welsh Tea'. Four members will attend this event. Knowing the abilities of Cross Inn for holding events, we are in for a very enjoyable evening.
A warm welcome was given to Melda Grantham, Ceredigion County Council Registrar. Melda gave an interesting and amusing talk on her work as a Registrar. She began with the registration of births and told us about the odd names given to children back in the 1970s. We didn't realise that parents can pick any surname they like and it does not have to be the family name. Registrars prefer to see the mother registering the baby, as the father tends to get things wrong and the names cannot be changed once the baby has been registered.
Melda then explained the complications that can arise when registering a death, sometimes causing great distress. Ending her talk with marriage, we didn't realise how expensive it has become to get married. Those of us married in the 1960s were only worth 7s/6d (or 37 1/2 pence), whereas now it's in the hundreds of pounds. The most unusual place she has issued a licence to was a sheep shed, which became an enchanting venue for a wedding.
Denise thanked Melda for her amusing talk. Refreshments were provided by Betty and Linda. The competition "Old Book" was won by Betty and the raffle was won by Linda.
Mydroilyn Young Farmers were using the main part of the hall to rehearse a short comedy sketch and they invited us to view their performance after our meeting. It was very amusing sketch and a great ending to a very enjoyable evening.
February's meeting will be held on the 12th February at 7:30pm in Llanarth Village Hall.
The guest speaker will be MELDA GRANTHAM from Ceredigion Registration Services who will be giving an insight into this vital service provided by the Council.
February's competition is an OLD BOOK - so bring along an interesting old book to the meeting for a chance of winning.
If you'd like to know more about Llanarth WI or would like to join, please send us an email - email link can be found on the right hand side of this page.
Llanarth WI celebrated its 95th year with a meal at Bardsey View on November 9th 2012.
Members and guests had a wonderful time which culminated in the cutting of the cake by the Llanarth group President.
Llanarth WI have set up this blog to share with the local community, and further afield, our events and activities, also to encourage new members to join us.
We have a full programme for 2013 of guest speakers, events and outings.
A warm welcome awaits all members, old and new.
Croeso cynnes i bawb.