April's meeting was held on the 9th April and out guest speaker was Mr Lyndon Lloyd who
gave us a very interesting talk about Age Cymru and how the seeds were sown by D O Evans, a Liberal MP from Llanbarth Farm, Penbryn Beach. He was a colleague of David Lloyd George and it was D O Evans who drew up plans for the Pension scheme.
The 'Old Peoples Welfare Committee for Wales' was set up in 1947 as part of the National Council of Social Services, with the aim of supporting older people in Wales. This organisation was later to become Age Concern Cymru.
The Old Peoples Welfare Committee provided grants to help the aged and changed its name to 'Care for the Elderly in Wales' in
1962. In 1969 it changed its name again to the 'National Council for the Care of the Elderly in Wales' and in 1973 'Help the Aged' became an independent charity.
During the 1970s they developed a range of pioneering projects including 'good neighbour' schemes. Due to increasing loneliness and isolation of the elderly, Day Centres were established and lunch clubs were set up. There is also a cleaning service available, as keeping the house clean makes a happier elderly person. There is also a service called 'Dial a Ride' for transportation help and also a Trade Persons register. They also help with form filling and checking benefit eligibility. Also a new scheme is on the way to help those with dementia - offering respite to those who care for people with dementia. Age Cymru will also look into claims of elderly abuse and one of their prime goals is PAL - Prolong Active Life.
Refreshments were provided by Melda and Margaret V.
Mr Lloyd won the raffle prize and Audrey won the competition for 'Most interesting walking stick'.